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Sunday, November 12, 2006

NCC, are you listening?

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Happy Sunday.

So, Remembrance Day was yesterday - and I hope everyone was able to remember in whatever way turned their crank. :)

Hubs and I headed downtown to the National War Memorial to pay our respects, and I have to say I have a MASSIVE beef with whoever plans this out.

One would think that the planners would want a large crowd so all the video/photo that will be published shows a massive display of support. One would think.

Now, it's also important to keep in mind that the layout of the National War Memorial is not exactly ideal for large gatherings. The memorial itself is at the top of a gentle slope, and where the crowd is, it slopes downward. So basically, unless you're in the first row of people, you can't see a thing. This is fine, and I knew this beforehand.

I've actually been in the first row a couple of times, but it does involve getting downtown at least an hour or two ahead of time, which wasn't so likely to happen on a rainy, cold Saturday....

So anyway, they do have video and sound set up so that those of us who weren't there are 9AM actually have something worth seeing or hearing. But IT DOESN'T WORK! The placement of the video screens was nonsensical, and compounded by the fact that the one most people could see stopped working about halfway through. But this isn't a huge issue as long as you can hear.

But the sound system royally blows. I could hear any music - i.e., the bands, the lone bugler, the piper, the choir - we could hear that relatively problem-free, but anything that was spoken was completely inaudible. So it means that you don't get hardly anything out of your show of support.

So my question to the NCC (or whoever plans out the logistics of this) - why do you not make it relatively worthwhile for people to come out and show their support? Seriously, I would have got more out of it if I had stayed home and watched it (and heard it!) on TV. I WANT to go downtown for Remembrance Day, but if it just means that I'm standing ina bemused, confused, and otherwise uncertain crowd, it really doesn't have the kind of meaning that it should.

So PLEASE, FIX the sound system so people can hear! There are experts in this type of thing who would be more than happy (I'm sure) to show you how to do this....use their expertise!

Anyway, aside from that I was happy that we could be there to show our support and respect for the individuals who are facing a constant threat right now. As I said, I don't know if I support the war, but I absolutely support the individuals who are in such danger right now.

Otherwise, yesterday was not otherwise exciting. I napped all afternoon, after a tasty lunch of homemade mushroom soup and baguette. Skipped dinner and headed to a party (perhaps, in retrospect, a bad idea....), enjoyed far too many blackfly coolers (YUMMY! and finished the night off with a 3AM buffalo chicken sandwich at Elgin Street Diner. :)

Am currently debating whether or not my shaky tummy is ready for more food.....

Am not currently debating whether or not I should do laundry - my lovely, lovely hubby is doing it for me! Is he an absolute prince or what???!!!???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just found the comment that you left on my blog in April (yikes! Am I bad with comments or what?) I'm not even going to try and type in French, because I seem to have forgotten everything that I learned in French immersion, and now I get frustrated that I can't write as well as I speak. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm glad you enjoyed the blog.

And I have to say that I grew up in Ottawa, and have spent many an early morning at the Elgin Street diner, although I usually choose poutine. Hope you're feeling better, and what a fantastic reason to get hubby involved in the laundry!

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