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Sunday, November 19, 2006

What goes up, must come down

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After such a luscious evening of overindulgence and rich cuisine, there really was, culinarily speaking, nowhere to go but crashingly, horrifically, down.

I'm of the opinion that you can't always be "ON" when it comes to your martha-esque attempts. Consistently trying to outdo yourself day after day is just not a good idea. It's exhausting.

Not to mention expensive....I think I spent about $130 in groceries for dinner last night, not to mention an additional trip to the liquor store. But it's always so enjoyable.

But the food today was perhaps not as universally enjoyable.....

One of hubs' favourite snacks is roasted pumpkin seeds, and I'd like to think I make some pretty darn awesome roasted pumpkin seeds....every Hallowe'en, we clean out the pumpkin, wash the seeds, and then I toss them in olive oil, cajun seasoning, hot sauce, garlic, pepper and worcestershire sauce. Bake at 350F for about an hour, stirring every ten minutes. They are AMAZING.

But since hubs was still craving pumpkin seeds, and pumpkin season was long over, I thought I would try to "fake" it. I bought the plainest pumpkin seeds I could find (just plain roasted ones from Bulk Barn), thinking that I would do the same thing, and just re-roast them. So I tossed a whack of them in EVOO and seasonings, and put in the oven at 350F for 10 minutes.

When I came back to the kitchen, it was filled with smoke! I managed to absolutely burn the crap out of the very very sad. It's been 5 hours and it still stinks.

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I know they look like coffee beans, but they're actually charred, smoky, nasty pumpkin seeds. So sad.

Spurred on by my minor disaster, I just didn't really feel like making real food (also, while I've done a couple of dishwasher loads, I've yet to do any handwashing). I desperately wanted to go out and have Mexican, but hubs wouldn't go for it. Meanwhile, I was secretly imagining the delight of a yummy burrito, draped in luscious melty cheese surrounded with pools of refried beans and other such yummy goodness.

And I had KD. I will confess to adding half a chopped shallot and some grated extra-old cheddar, but it was still KD in its packaged, powdery glory. Yum.

The funniest thing is that I never had it growing up (mom's homemade mac&cheese being a family favourite), but now that I am supposed to be a 'grown-up' I often revert to the perennial childhood favourite. Not sure why it has such an appeal, but it somehow does.

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Look at that. All shiny and orange, and most definitely unnatural....but enjoyed nonetheless. :) I ate a whole box.

Found out today that my mom will be dropping by I have a little more tidying to do tonight....meh.

Anyway, I'll leave you with a picture of Darwin, because he was cute and wanted to say hi. He too, has dreams of being an internet star. hahahaha

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Anonymous said...

Mmmmmmmmmm sometimes you just can't beat KD!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I LOVE KD. I could eat it every day of the week. And I always eat a whole box! (which is why I only let myself buy it every month or so) We can't even have it in the cupboards or my plans go out the window and I eat it. Mmmm. (Marlene)
p.s. Darwin is too cute!

Anonymous said...

Another KD lover here. Alex always makes fun of me for it, but there's just something about that artificial straight from the cardboard box goodness that I can't resist :)
Fortunately (I guess) I can't find it here, so I am limited to my 1 box per trip home.... *sigh*
Except when my sister in law send a box in the mail, wrapped in the comics page from the newspaper! I love my sister in law! :) Jenn (AandJ)

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